
Holidays Our Way: My Christmas Traditions

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Holidays Our Way

Holidays Our Way

Christmas In my household is a very busy and exciting time of the year, as it is in your home. We have many traditions that we have incorporated over the years that make Christmas very special to us and today I will share a few with you. The year has gone by so quickly that Christmas is a great time to reflect and give thanks for all that we have been given and reflect on the true meaning of the Christmas season. I am quite certain that everyone has holiday traditions that are quite similar but at the same time they are different in the way they are done and how meaningful they are in each home.

Our family traditions start on the Eve of Christmas, for the past 2 years I have been giving the 3 kids Christmas eve gift boxes. In the gift boxes the kids get their annual Christmas pj’s, A new movie, a personal size of kernals popcorn and a DIY ornament with hot chocolate and marshmallow inside with a new Christmas mug.

On Christmas day I typically wake up to get breakfast going along with final preparation for Christmas dinner. The kids wake up just before 7 am and the chaos begins. We say our goodmornings and Merry Christmas to each other and the kids call the grandparents to send the same wishes as well. Breakfast time is what I look forward to most, we sit down as a family and we all take turns reading the birth of Jesus in the Bible.

The bible

Breakfast is usually a big deal i prepare a wide range of food since we normally don’t eat again until dinner time. After breakfast we sit as a family and open gifts then play until dinner.

Christmas in my home is quite simple I would say, every year we add something new to make it our own. This year we decided to add and make changes to a few things that we do. Mainly because we want to show our remind our kids about the true meaning of the Christmas season and just how important they are to us, as a family unit. Of course I will share the new additions to our family holiday traditions below.

New Christmas traditions:

  • Birthday cake for Jesus
  • 3 gifts for Christmas (think 3 wise men) – Something you want, something you need, something to read 

What are some of the traditions your family likes to do? Let me know in the comments below.

In the meantime check out some other awesome bloggers and how they do the holidays their way.

Sara Lafountain

Erin Cox

Katie Mullis Crenshaw

Clarissa Laskey

Marcia Denise

Gillian Nicholl

Lauren Shoffner

Elizabeth Edgar

Elanor Brammer

Jennifer Crowther

Kate Walton

Marilyn Arriaga

Cindylynn Calzone…/what-will-our-chil…

Courtnee Garr Frimming

Kam Kay

Kelley Farrell Ferreira

Samantha Lamb

Chanel Cumberbatch

Rachel Newcombe

Karen Marie Patten

Brittany Lass Schwan

Rebecca West

Esther Steinfield Freedman

Kimberley Mazzarolo

Liz Jean

Shannon Hughes Gauger

Kristen Marie

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  • Reply Sarah Arrow

    Love the traditions you’ve shared here, like your house, breakfast is a big deal here because there is a long wait until dinner. We’ve also cut out the evening meal and just have a small snack. As I come from East London, the traditional evening meal was smoked salmon and seafood buffet, and I feel quite sad to lose the tradition, but we just can’t eat any more!

    10/12/2015 at 12:12 pm
  • Reply Alonda

    I love the 3 gift idea! Something you want, something you need, and something to read! I am so doing that!

    10/12/2015 at 1:47 pm
  • Reply Amanda @ Green Tea + Cotton

    We do something very similar. The kids get to open up one gift – it has their PJ’s in it – and we watch a movie and snuggle. Then Christmas morning, we eat breakfast and get ready for the day before any presents are opened. I don’t leave any unwrapped gifts out so there is no temptation. We then FaceTime grandparents and enjoy the rest of the day!

    10/12/2015 at 1:53 pm
  • Reply Coupon Diva (@RealCouponDiva)

    yes yes yes yes – He IS the reason for the season! :)

    10/12/2015 at 8:34 pm
  • Reply Shann Eva

    Thank you for sharing some of your Christmas traditions. It’s always fun to learn what other people do around the holidays. I’m sharing ours tomorrow :)

    10/12/2015 at 10:13 pm
  • Reply Mommy Wants Coffee

    Your Christmas sounds amazing and really about what is important to you. I love the Christmas Eve box idea. My kids would definitely love it.

    11/12/2015 at 1:15 am
  • Reply Tara

    I love this! We do the birthday cake and the 3 gifts too. I pinned this so I can check out the other blogs too. Thanks!

    12/12/2015 at 12:50 am
  • Reply Verushka Ramasami (@Verushka143)

    Such a lovely post.The 3 gifts and the Christmas Eve boxes I like alot.We dont really celebrate Christmas.I hope someday to make traditions with my own family.Thank you for the ideas x

    13/12/2015 at 2:00 am
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