Some days are better than some, the kids wake up, get dressed and downstairs for morning breakfast. Those are the days that I love and selfishly look forward to for my own sanity especially on a Monday Morning, when getting back into routine from the chaotic weekend is generally hard to do. Easy Monday mornings are almost like a dream that you never want to wake up from because it’s going so good. Then there are those days when I wake up at 6am in the pit of Hell’s fire, all I can do is say “God please give me strength”
The moment I open my mouth you can bet the Fire breathing dragon is awake and I’m yelling like a crazed bat until the kids get on the school bus at 7:30. Then my guilt starts to set in and I asked myself why I let myself get from 0-1,000,000 in a split second and then I remember the last words my 5 year old says as shes walking out the door. ” I wish I had a different Mom!” My world stops and I begin to cry, hearing that and words similar to that like “your mean mama” have to be the most gut wrenching words you could hear from the children you’ve carried for nine months and birthed. It makes me feel less than worthy of Being a Mom. Which is the hardest job that a woman can ever do, it makes me question my motherhood skills and my overall character.
I will admit with stress in my own daily life 70% of the time I am on edge, feeling stressed and exhausted from lack of sleep and so much to do and accomplish in the day when I would rather be sleeping. Let’s be real! Life is a hard ride to steer and there is no drivers manual to learn the rules of life’s road.
I know being a Mom is a tough job to do, its a selfless minute by minute, hour by hour, and day by day job that never sleeps. Even when I am in bed I am thinking about the well being of my kids. I am happy that being a mom takes all of me, I am blessed that I am mom who cooks, cleans, does laundry, cleans poop, vomit and pee every other day. I love that being a mom means, that I have to wipe tears, talk about the birds and bees and go up to bat when some other kid is picking on my babies. This mama bear always protects cubs. Through it all although the kids sometimes get angry with me, at the end of the day I know they love me and appreciate me. Being a mom is one of the greatest gifts I could ever ask for and I couldn’t imagine life without them.
Girl, keep doing what you do. I know I said things like that when I was younger too, not knowing how bad it made my mom feel. But I appreciate her more than ever now, as your kids will you! 😀
20/04/2016 at 10:14 am100% agree! I have a baby and a toddler and I don’t feel like I ave slept in 4 years. But I love being a Mom and wouldn’t trade it for anything. Thanks for a great article.
20/04/2016 at 11:56 amBeing a mom is tough. You always questing if what you are doing is the right thing or not. I find that I have a little more sanity if I take time so myself before the kids wake up. Even like 30 min to drink my coffee in peace, read some blogs, maybe even get a post started. Then right when the kids wake up we all pray together and ask God to help us make the right choices and not be cranky with each other 😂 (I have a 6 &3 year old) Honestly it really works on those days for us to just appreciate each other more. I don’t seem to loose my cool as much.
20/04/2016 at 12:00 pmXo,
that must have hurt like hell hearing your child say that to you Janelle. It’s like taking a bullet to the heart.
I am not a mom…yet…but I have seen many of my female friends and own mother struggle with the numerous children AND being a housewife AND work.
It sure is not easy and no one can imagine walking in your shoes.
However children can be blunt and always say what they think, even though it hurts our feelings but they do bring us back down to earth and we must modify our behavior or attitude or be more understanding.
They will model one or both parents later in life!
Just take one day at a time and keep going forward. Life is a one time show.
Bon courage as we say here
20/04/2016 at 1:14 pm<3<3<3 It sounds like you're doing your best, mama! Keep it up!
20/04/2016 at 6:33 pmBeing a mom is definitely hard work! I’ve definite;y have had moments where I regretted a way that spoke to my daughter but I just take those as learning moments. And I find that I have become a much more patient mothers over the years. It’s a learning experience. And it seems like you are doing the best for them and that’s a huge part of it. Don’t be so hard on yourself!
20/04/2016 at 9:37 pm“0 – 1,000,000… ” I’ve totally been there… In fact I was there this morning! What you’ve shared is so true but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Thanks for letting me know I’m not alone.
20/04/2016 at 10:23 pmSo hard sometimes being a mom but you are doing a great job. Sometimes when our kids say those things, they are just so frustrated with us as we are with them and that is to be expected. I was once told that if the words your kids say, both good and bad, you are doing the job of a parent. There are times your kids will make you cry from the sweet words and sometimes they will make you cry with the bad. (I hope this made sense)
21/04/2016 at 9:01 amI so understand and often wonder if my kids think the same thing, but we all have the moments 0 – 1,000. I just sit them down and talk and let them know that mommy has a lot on her mind and that I’m sorry if I hurt you, but you know I love you. Thxs for sharing mommy job is a hard job, but the best job after there lol no pay, but the best rewards lol!
21/04/2016 at 10:31 amMy one and a half year old already said I was mean to her for not letting her breastfeed one day when she was pinching me. Told on my to her daddy!
21/04/2016 at 2:31 pmOh yes, I’ve had those moments with my daughter and it punches you in the gut. Know you are trying your best, if we were too easygoing then we wouldn’t be doing our job!
21/04/2016 at 2:47 pmThis is what the reality of being a parent. you are doing your best and that is the most important thing. One day your kids will realize how amazing their mother is. you have beautiful kids. give your self a break and treat you with what ever makes you happy. that really give you some peace.
Happy Mother’s day to you!!!
23/04/2016 at 3:01 pm