2016 is my Year
For January’s blog hop that I am taking part in with some other fabulous bloggers The topic I chose was 5 ways to make 2016 my year
Every year that passes I sit down and reflect on how my year was and how I can make the new year even better. I came up with 5 Ways to Make 2016 My Year. Practical, achievable ways that I can use to grow as a person in my personal life as well as the relationships I intend to build in the workplace and with others. In order to come up with these ways I did alot of self evaluating to see where I could improve on areas in my life to have a more successful year for 2016. Keep in mind these are personal ways, some may read this post and be able to relate and some will be able to use my 5 Ways to Make 2016 My Year as a blue print or inspiration to implement their own. Now its your turn, what ways are you working towards making 2016 better for yourself? how did you come up with your list? Let me know in the comments below.
- Pray – Praying is something that keeps me grounded its a time where I can reflect on my day, give thanks and talk to God. Its an intimate time where I can strengthen my faith through studying the word and retaining it. Its also allows me to apply what I learn to everyday situations
- Purge– This one is a hard one for me. I intend to purge out any and every negative feeling, materials, and thoughts that come to mind. I tend to hold on to alot of negative things which in turns alters me on whole. By purging out toxic ways I can live a better life and be more positive
- Engage- Believe it or not I am an introvert, some misinterpret it for being anti social, for this year I plan on engaging more with people and allowing myself to open up to conversations more. Rather than being so opposed to them.
- Self Love– This is the most important focus for myself this year. Self Love is something that we take for granted. I made a promise to myself to exercise more and eat healthier so that I can maintain a great quality of life.
- Have Fun– Life is what you make it.
Blog Hop Bloggers
Amber Marie
Great post
15/01/2016 at 9:42 amI love these inspiring goals! Purging negative thoughts is so important — I’m trying to do that too. Wishing you a great 2016! – Trish
15/01/2016 at 10:05 amThanks Trish! Purging is very much needed. Keeps our minds and bodies healthier! Happy new year to you!
18/01/2016 at 11:19 pmPurging is a big one for me. I started in 2015 and want to continue in 2016!
15/01/2016 at 10:59 amGood Job! I hope its going well for me. Ill be honest its a little harder than I thought it would be!
18/01/2016 at 11:20 pmit’s all gotta start in the Word…
15/01/2016 at 3:13 pmOh Andrea! The word is essential! Its our protector provider deliver…. its EVERYTHING!
18/01/2016 at 11:21 pmI absolutely love this!! Especially the purging every negative thought, emotion, etc.
God actually encourages us to do that. Take all our thoughts CAPTIVE! Love it!
15/01/2016 at 3:58 pmThanks Alonda! I think its so important to purge it actually gives such clarity to concentrate on the important things in life! Thanks for reading
18/01/2016 at 11:22 pmI agree with all of these. Prayer is so important and releasing yourself of your negative thoughts.
15/01/2016 at 4:18 pmhttp://www.BeckyandBrittany.com
Thanks Brittany! Prayer is so important, more than we realize! Thanks for reading!
18/01/2016 at 11:23 pmAs a fellow introvert I understand what you are saying. Great list.
15/01/2016 at 6:28 pmYes being an introvert is alot harder to overcome! But I am working on it! Happy new year thanks for reading
18/01/2016 at 11:24 pmWe can CHOOSE positivity! 😊
15/01/2016 at 8:31 pmPositivity is key! but its sometimes hard to remember! thats a goal I am trying to conquer! Thanks for reading
18/01/2016 at 11:25 pmI’m am using 2016 as my year of Savor. And I’m fully aware that in order to savor I have to be in the presence of God. Prayer is a lovely starting point. Good luck on your 2016!
15/01/2016 at 9:25 pmHey Ashley! You are so right being in the presence of God is so important! so much that this year I decided that I would make more of an effort to attend church more than once a week and get involved more. In doing so my manager was pretty malicious and cut my hours at work to where it may be a struggle. But by the grace of God he will see my through this and I couldn’t have decided on a better decision than to be closer to God! Happy New Year!
18/01/2016 at 11:29 pmThese are great! Getting rid of negativity and self love are definitely at the top of my list, too!
17/01/2016 at 7:05 amHey Samantha! Self love is so important as women we ignore our selves too much and its something that we need to do more to make sure we know our worth! Thanks for reading!
18/01/2016 at 11:30 pmI saw myself in points 1, 3 and 5, my word for 2016 is Open and it’s already challenging me in new ways, so much prayer is needed to keep me feeling anchored.
17/01/2016 at 6:06 pmAchama! Keep praying! stay prayed up so you aren’t preyed on. This world is getting ugly! Happy new year!
18/01/2016 at 11:31 pmSuch great thoughts, thank you for sharing. I have a lot of purging to do this year too.
17/01/2016 at 9:01 pmHey Jenni! Thanks for reading I hope the purge is fulfilling and brings you great success this year!
18/01/2016 at 11:32 pmI found myself nodding along with each of these- pray, purge, engage, and self love especially (haha- 4 out of 5!). What’s funny is how intertwined they are. Prayer helps me have more grace for myself (self-love). Self-love gives me confidence and helps me feel more comfortable engaging. And engaging helps me remember what is most important- and materials, technology, food, etc seem less essential and makes it easier to purge myself of unhealthy/unnecessary items! Would you consider linking with us? http://www.akreativewhim.com/100-happy-days-13
18/01/2016 at 9:02 amHey Kate! You are so right! they are all intertwined. with one you need the other and so on. Life is such a beautiful thing and to get the most out of it we have to pray to the one who gave it to us. I would love to link with you! Just email me the details
18/01/2016 at 11:35 pmSimple yet relevent
Would you be happy to disclose who you blog hop with?
27/01/2016 at 3:52 pmIm in a facebook group that puts these hops together
21/02/2016 at 11:09 pmWhich one? Drop a link
07/03/2016 at 8:42 am